Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.
Another good installment in the Dark Legacy series, mostly due to the hero. I just adore JAK/AQ/JC heroes, don’t you?
Well, it wasn’t just the hero, believe me. The whole story worked. The instant connection between Gwen and Judson, Judson’s dreams (the prologue was chilling and a great way of pulling the reader in), the suspense (though I suspected how it might all go down), the quirky town-folk, the romance, the intrigue...And that (too short) glimpse into the Coppersmith family. I love that family and I cannot wait to read more about them.
Yes, a wonderful addition to the series and to the entire Krentz/Quick/Castle writing opus, I just wish there wasn’t such a long wait between books in a certain series. I want to read more. ;)