The Book Gourmet

Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.



Professional Reader Reviews Published

High Noon by Nora Roberts

High Noon - Nora Roberts

Do it to me one more time, once is never enough...

Okay, the song has nothing to do with the book, but this part of the lyrics describe very well, what I think of when I finish a NR book (and it's not about the sex, get your minds out of the gutter, it's the simple fact that once I finish one I want to immediately start the next - on(c)e is never enough).

This one was no different. The strong heroine, a strong, supportive, funny and sexy hero, great plot, wonderful writing, gripping suspense, and a twisted villain.

Loved it and now I want to read another. If only I could decide which one. ;)