Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.
This is one of those stories I don’t know how to rate. On one hand, the parts that I liked were worth 5 stars, on the other hand there were parts I didn’t like that don’t deserve such a high rating. So it all comes down to the percentage of like/dislike.
What I liked:
The story/romance between Lettie Boyce and Seton Rayne. It didn’t start as your typical romance, she disliked him on sight, she yelled at him on the next meeting and he kissed her angrily to knock her down a peg or two. The rest was history. They were cute together, he was persistent, she was a little blind (both literally and figuratively) and a bit thick when it came to men, their bickering was funny, the growing friendship a breath of fresh air, the hot scenes *hot*, and the scene in the attic absolutely perfect.
What I didn’t like:
It started a tad too slow for me, almost ending as a DNF, the narration was long and winding (especially in the parts that had nothing much to do with the main story), and the language the characters used (probably more accurate historically than in the rest of the historicals out there, but it still bothered me).
It’s not exactly 50/50, so I decided to give it 4 stars. The story was too good and Lettie and Seton too sweet, so the parts I didn’t particularly like lay forgotten in the end.