The Book Gourmet

Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.



Professional Reader Reviews Published

Hot Spell by Emma Holly, Lora Leigh, Shiloh Walker, Meljean Brook

Hot Spell - Emma Holly, Lora Leigh, Shiloh Walker, Meljean Brook

The best part of this four-novella anthology was Lora Leigh's Breed novella. Certainly not one of the best stories in the series, and entirely too short, I barely started enjoying the story when it was already over.

Shiloh Walker's was one of those hidden gems and the first story by the author I've read. I'm sure it won't be the last.
The twist of "combining" two utterly different creatures of the lore was a nice move, yet I felt that sort of conflict could've been explored a little further. Unfortunately, with novellas the author has a limited amount of space to cram everything in.

I've never been a fan of Emma Holly's and I certainly shall not become one. Her contribution to this collection was once more a rather boring rendition of been-there-read-that. I just cannot relate to her characters or her stories.

It it Meljean Brook's story that earned the title "Skimmed Through Instead Of Read" for this anthology. I just couldn't "get with the program". Neither the plot nor the characters were able to pull me in, leaving me to just fly through it to continue with the next story.