The Book Gourmet

Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.



Professional Reader Reviews Published

Visions of Heat by Nalini Singh

Visions of Heat - Nalini Singh

Another winner by Ms. Singh. If possible, the characterization was even better. The reader can "feel" both Faith and Vaughn, able to understand where they both come from, their individual points of view, understand what they fight for and why...I was a bit lost on the "darkness" business though and found the ending lacked in explanation, or any hint at all. Also, the drug incident was quickly brushed away, but hopefully so it can be utilized in the future.
These little hiccups aside, Ms. Singh delivered another gripping and quite emotional tale of the Psy/Changeling universe. The characters were well-developed, the romance nice, slowly-budding, and more than believable, the sex scenes scorchingly hot, and the supporting cast, along with the alpha pair nicely interwoven into the plot.
I loved the deeper glimpse into the Psy Council and their intrigues, along with the rather cute introduction to the NetMind. I'm looking forward to learning more.
Faith's involvement with the changelings and her acceptance into the Pack also gave us a sneak preview of the future books, thanks to this particular Psy's gift, and the conclusion to the suspense subplot also gave a little insight into the next book's hero, Judd Lauren. The little hints Faith discovered were more than intriguing and, although this book ends with a satisfying HEA, the little peek into Judd's abilities provided quite a cliffy for the next installment into this amazing series.