Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.
After years of hunting him, Luke Hutchinson is this close to catching the terrorist he helped create. But with the man targeting women in Luke’s close circle, Luke isn’t about to take any chances…Especially not with the woman he’s loved since forever. He’d protect his ex-wife by any means necessary, yet Emily is fighting her own battle against a deadly enemy no one can protect her from.
This series has been quite a disappointment from the start, so it’s no surprise the final instalment was disappointing as well.
There were once again big problems with the pacing and narrative flow, the suspense was mostly non-existent, I disliked the initial “trigger” for the suspense where the hero took the heroine close to the terrorist in order to protect her (are you serious?!), and the final reveal as to the reason for all the hatred and resentment, anti-climatic and rather idiotic, if you ask me.
The romance was a bit better than the rest, because we didn’t have to go through the let’s-get-to-know-each-other phase, since the main characters were exes and still deeply in love with each other. Still, it was nothing to write home about, except the fact it involved an older couple, and dealt with the extra hurdle of Emily’s disease.
But, it’s finally over (it certainly didn’t warrant an entire series, IMO), the bastard is dead, everybody is nicely coupled up, and I can move on.