Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.
Serra Vetrov, still bruised from the latest (and according to her last) broken heart event caused by the man she's loved for the past twenty years, is suddenly helpless to resist the compulsion (n: you might read the book, blurb-writer!) to travel to Saint Louis without telling anybody. But Fane isn't anybody, and he doesn't have to be told anything. He knows Serra is in danger, and he promptly follows.
Only for the two of them to discover, Serra must find a kidnapped child. If she doesn't, she'll die.
The premise didn't make any sense. Why force Serra to do something she always does without coercion? Why blackmail a psychic specializing in finding missing kids into finding a missing kid? Serra put it best, he could've simply picked up the phone, told her a version of the truth, that no one, not even Valhalla must be aware or the kid dies, and done.
But no, the villain had to be all obscure and witch-y about it, and I hated it.
And since I hated the idiotic premise (without which there wouldn't be a story, which made me hate it all even more), I didn't enjoy the book as much as I could've. As much as I should've.
Serra and Fane were lovely together, but there was this strange, slightly bitter aftertaste after their scenes together. First, they were brought together because of the danger they were in which, second, didn't exactly scream eternal love and devotion because she's who she is for me on Fane's part. It was more one last f*** before you die kind of vibe, the way Serra suspected it was. Why did it take him so long to decide he did want her no matter what? Why did it take a life-or-death situation to make him pull his head out of his ass?
This sudden pivot didn't make it genuine, and even at the end, left doubts about this "romance" and where it was going.
Now to the anti-hero, who was more of a villain to me than the real one, Bastard Cavrilo. I hated him. Hated him with a passion, no matter how much he seemed to care about his daughter. Not all ends justify the means, and I just wanted Fane to kill the SOB. He kept appearing, intruding, stealing the spotlight from Serra and Fane and their (yes, iffy, but still) romance, until, in the end, I just skimmed his scenes, simply because I didn't care. And since he's the hero of the next (last?) book in this series I guess I'll wait a while to forget a little what a bastard he is.
The suspense could've been a little better, less convoluted, and a tad more "scary". As it was, I knew they were getting the kid back alive, it might've worked better if that outcome had not been so obvious. Keep us guessing, keep us at the edge of our seats.
The best this book had to offer was the Mave/Tagos side-plot. Boy, would I love so read their book. Which is, apparently, not possible due to their roles in Valhalla. Damn.