Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.
The story within a story within a story got old the first time around. This time, it was already smelly and shriveled.
Is it so hard to keep it simple? The present-time suspense would've been great in itself, the Meg-Nils and Eve-Amy storylines would've kept the pace going until they "united". But no, we had to have the Sam-Alyssa shindig, which seemed redundant and will apparently drag on in this series for quite some time, and then we had to have the grandma tell her WWII stories, and then we had to have the more recent flashbacks about Meg and Nils "relationship".
The pacing was shot to smithereens, the characters weren't that interesting to begin with (and the hero was too cocky for my taste), the romance wasn't (that) believable...And I was bored before the half mark.