Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.
Daisy Little has insomnia. She's also agoraphobic, having been locked up in her own house for the last eight years, resulting in her not having any friends beside deputy Chris Jennings, who she wants to be more than friends with, but he doesn't seem to bite....Oh, and she's also a bit of a Peeping Tom, but not in a bad way. Watching the world go by through her window is like her own special version of reality TV. Her reality TV gets very real when she sees someone moving what appears to be a dead body in the middle of the night.
Pity not everybody at the sheriff's department is like Chris. The sheriff himself thinks she's a delusional, hallucinating, attention-seeking basket case and someone is apparently gunning for her because of her nightly observations. But hey, at least she has new friends...And Chris is finally showing signs of wanting to get very "friendly" indeed.
What a great end to the series. Intense, gripping, intriguing, funny, sexy, a little scary at times, and with everything tying up in nice little knots and finally making sense. What a whopper.
Daisy was a nice character. Quirky and funny (not in Lou's category, mind you, but no one can come close to that), a little self-deprecating, but whip smart, although she and her phobia got a little annoying toward the end (preferring to stay indoors, risking your own death because you're too afraid of going outside got a little old and a lot stupid). The reason she actually made the big step was predictable, which made the big step a little disappointing, but that's probably just me.
Chris on the other hand was just like the rest of the guys in this series. Strong, smart, sexy, and protective, but thankfully not taciturn. Though he got the same treatment as Ian in the way the story was all about Daisy and the reader doesn't actually get an "input" into Chris, he got a better deal than the beautiful fireman, because the story itself was better (and his heroine much less annoying than Rory).
Despite the fact this was Daisy's story, there was more going on than just her. The plot was fast-paced and intense, the villains (yes, plural!) were literal monsters, no matter their justifications, the main plot running through the entire series was finally tied up with new information about previous, thought-to-be resolved cases, popping up, adding to the intrigue.
I loved the twist and turns, it was nice seeing characters from previous books again, I loved the revelations about the villains and their nefarious plots, loved the relationship between Daisy and Chris...A great book!