The Book Gourmet

Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.



Professional Reader Reviews Published

Love on Main Street: A Snow Creek Christmas by Juliet Blackwell et al.

Love on Main Street: A Snow Creek Christmas - Juliet Blackwell, Rachael Herron, Lisa Hughey, Adrienne Bell, Cecilia Gray, Ruby Laska, L.G.C. Smith

***copy provided by publisher through NetGalley***

I didn't "get" Queen of Hearts. It was too short for any kind of character development, the characters were bland and one-dimensional, and the "plot" forced.

While the first one was too short, The Holiday Show was too long. Convoluted, slow, stretched-thin...I couldn't care less about the characters, their reasoning, or their motivations.

Let It Snow was cute. The heroine was a bit idiotic with her fantasies, the hero was a bit idiotic doing "the honorable thing", but it still worked. Cute, sweet, and funky.

Second Chances was pretty "meh". A second-chance-romance, that would've worked better with a little more background, and length.

A Christmas Yarn was yet another miss in this collection. I just couldn't get past the heroine's obsession with looks. I guess the hero's handicap was supposed to "enlighten" her that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I just didn't care.

Cute, sweet, and funny, Miss Bonny's Buried Treasure was the highlight of this collection. Just the right amount of quasi-angst, and romance, and that added touch of humor, created a great combination.

One Silent Night could've been a nice little bow on the present, but I hate miscommunication stories. The issues and missed signals are there only as plot ploys, without them there would be no story. Cheap tricks are not my thing.