The Book Gourmet

Book reviews à la bookworm...The good, the bad, and everything in between.



Professional Reader Reviews Published

Walking on Her Grave by Melinda Leigh

Walking on Her Grave (Rogue River Novella Book 4) - Melinda Leigh

***ARC provided by publisher through NetGalley***

No surprises there. At least not for me. The heroine still got on my nerves, the hero was still bland...And the big surprising twist in the end wasn't neither big nor surprising.

That's it? That's why you had to drag the story through four installments? You could've just written one novella and be done with it. But no, we had to have family drama, uneventful narrative passages, murder scenes gone stale after the first good novella in the series...

After that first story I was really excited where the plot would go until the end of the series. But it had quickly taken a turn to Predictable Road and went down the Blah Cliff. Oh, well.